Friday, September 08, 2006

No time to stop and sit.

get a good job.
work hard.
follow your dreams.
keep singing.
write songs.
play gigs.
put away superannuation.
don't go on the dole.
buy property.
get married.
have babies soon.
but not too soon.
what's happening with the music?
get fit.
stay fit.
work out at least four times a week.
lose weight.
eat healthy.
don't drink coke.
drugs are bad.
keep drawing.
go to sketch club.
dream of illustrating.
dream of performing.
keep going to work.
don't spend too much money.
clean the house.
make the bed.
wash the sheets.
catch up with friends.
remember birthdays.
get on well with everyone.
be honest.
not too honest.
don't watch too much tv.

anybody else out there exhausted?


adi said...

well hellllllllo there!

crybaby said...

well hello yourself

Claire said...

Nice to see some more stuff on yer site mate. Love looking at your images. And totally relate to the sentiment here. How can I feel completely buggered after a long weekend of basically doing nuthin!?

crybaby said...

cheers love. i think you and adi are the only pips who look but i don't mind. i am lazy and will make a new picture soon. have been up north watching whales and fishing.